Friday, October 29, 2010

Taking parody to the next level

Chevron and their marketing partners aren't very smart.

At least they're not very aware of the sophisticated tools available to its critics, and they greatly underestimated the extent to which they'd be used against them when they created their new campaign.

This brilliant parody campaign created by a group called The Yes Men, shows just how far a committed opponent is willing to go to undermine Chevron's message and sabotage its marketing.

Parody ads have been around since the first ad was written. They were a staple in the issues of Mad Magazine I read in my youth. Now, with the distribution provided by YouTube and message amplification outlets like Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word, parodies are fair game in political discourse as well as a way for disgruntled consumers to get back at brands they perceive to have failed them. One only needs to watch this video for proof.

If you do not plan for your critics' rebuttals when you're creating your next campaign, prepare to be skewered.

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