Why do they make this so easy?

Earlier this week, Chrysler convinced a high school in Florida to change the school's athletic logo because they clearly stole the Ram artwork from Chrysler. No problem there. Chrysler is 100% right to protect their brand and their intellectual property. If they let Lake Mary High continue to use the Ram logo without challenge, their claim to the trademark would be weakened and all the money they've invested in building the Ram brand would be at risk. So they had to make them change it, but here's where they blew it.
They didn't control the story or anticipate the negative publicity they might get by forcing a school district on a very tight budget to spend a lot of money repainting their gym floor, changing logos on helmets, athletic department stationary, etc. Now I know hindsight is 20/20, but the bad press resulting from this approach was as certain to pop up as a zit on a teenager before prom. So instead of having their lawyers go all nuclear on the school, here's what Chrysler should have done.

By giving away less than $100,000 in product Chrysler would have received positive publicity for offering a solution to the school's problem. And they would have moved a couple of vehicles out of their massive inventory, which will probably be even harder now after all the bad publicity they've been getting for this ham-handed way they've handled this situation.