Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Innovation lessons from Christmas past

Back in the day, Sears used to produce its "Holiday Wishbook" a big, thick catalogue filled with all kinds of wonderfulness for everyone in the family. These were the latest, coolest, must have gifts for the season.

Looking back at the Wishbook from 1975 has me wondering, "What were we thinking?"

Actually, as a marketer and innovator, it's pretty instructive.

The best innovations strike an emotional chord with the user.

Hot new products are often driven by technology.

Sometimes you can put a new twist on an old favorite.

Great ideas are often borrowed from pop culture

And don't forget, kids of every age are always in a hurry to grow up.
I hope you'll find these tips helpful in your innovation program for the upcoming year.


  1. Apparel from the 70's....let's hope it never becomes "retro cool".

    I'm starting to grow a mustache right now as a result of this post Harvey.

    Kirk @growthcatalysts

  2. Back when nothing said "ugly, synthetic low price clothing" like a Sears catalogue. I feel like I need to take a shower after this.
