Monday, October 24, 2011

A fitting tribute

In case you hadn't noticed, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Chevrolet brand.

Aside from building some of the best cars in the brand's history, they've also produced this really nice ad for the occasion.

No, the technique of holding an old photograph over the same scene isn't new (see But expecting advertising to be original is like expecting congress to get something done. You'll waste a of energy complaining about either. The technique is artfully deployed in service of commerce to remind those who may not know of Chevrolet's distinguished past without completely overshadowing their relevance today.

Using Ray Charles' classic version of America the Beautiful sets the tone without being overly patriotic. Over the years in all the automotive research I've witnessed, the vast majority of people don't buy a car because it's American. They would gladly purchase a good car, however, that happens to be American.

Who knows what the future holds for Chevrolet? But today I feel better about the brand because of their product and this spot.

Nicely done.

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