Monday, December 27, 2010

Twitter kills

According to the New York Times, Hollywood has discovered that quality matters.

Too bad it took until after they remade The A Team to figure that out.

It seems that Twitter, Facebook and SMS are capable of killing a movie's box office faster than putting Larry the Cable Guy on the marquee.

This phenomenon applies to more than just the entertainment industry. You can't hide bad products, bad service or bad people in an age where everyone's an expert and everyone has a platform to share their opinions with hundreds if not thousands of friends.

Only one thing matters in developing and launching new products now: EVERYTHING.

If it's not perfectly designed, if it's not flawlessly executed, if it's not expertly marketed, don't even bother.

It used to be said that nothing kills a bad product faster than great advertising. Now it's possible to be done in by tweets.

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